Wednesday, April 4, 2018

S2 | Week 11 - Waiting to test our control system

(4/4/18) In today's meeting, we wanted to test our control system on the track, however the bogie was not quite done yet and the same goes for the turning section of the track. However, the new, smaller-width straight portion of the track was there for us to try out. We tried using the first prototype of the bogie, however the width was too great and the bogie would get stuck when attempting to pass the stability clamps on the track.

Ben and I took the bogie and sanded down the sides to a point where after we assembled the axle and wheels, the bogie would be able to barely fit through the stability clamps.

Meanwhile, Coby was working with the new podcar prototype to get all of our components set up and he made sure everything was fitting correctly, etc.

We are hoping to test our control system on the turning section of the track in our next session. We're also preparing for Presentation 2, which is taking place next week as well.

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