Before this week's meeting (10/4/17), all ME195A students had to meet at ENGR189 because professor Winncy Du was scheduled to give a presentation on how to go about writing our final reports for our respective projects. After the presentation was over, we had to take a quiz about different aspects of the presentation (e.g. Differences between Abstract and Executive Summary, how to cite certain sources, etc.). A lot of the presentation consisted of things that I had learned before, but it was a nice refresher and it gave all of us a clear idea of where to find all the documents necessary in order to write our final paper with clearer direction.
After the presentation and quiz, we met up at the SSW Warehouse for our regular sub-team meetings. At this point, I was able to get the mobile app running, the XBees connected to each other, as well as access to Firebase (to view ticket purchases made by the mobile app and destination information about the podcar). The only thing we couldn't get to work was opening the port that the XBee was connected to by using '$ node ./server.js'.
In order to get this to work, all I was supposed to do was change the port directory in the server.js file, found in the SSW-master repository. I'm using a Mac and in the tutorial, the previous group was able to get the port opened on windows, so I am continuing my attempts to get the port opened on my computer so that we can initiate communications with the podcars. I emailed Shane again and he was able to add our controls group to an email thread with himself, as well as the small-scale mobile app crew from 2016-2017. Hopefully they can help with opening the port.
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