On 5/11/18, we gave our final presentation, which should be posted on the Small-scale Controls blog.
(Thursday 5/17/18) For Maker Faire, Ben tested the podcars at the event on Thursday, and because they had to remove one of the track supports, they just had to remove a station.
Friday, Ben and Coby went to Maker Faire.
Saturday, Coby and I went to Maker Faire and we had pods running on and off, all day. Throughout the day, the motors would slow down, and after some maintenance, they would run a bit longer before eventually seizing. After cycling through some back-up motors, we ended up with one podcar working by the end of the day. After getting back to the SSW warehouse that night, Coby and I grabbed all the old motors we could find.
On Sunday, Ben and I attended the event and initially ran the podcar that was ready to be used from the night before. After switching the other two motors, we had a couple cars running at a time for maybe an hour or so. Unfortunately soon after that, all the motors that we had began seizing and we ended up taking some motors off and letting people push the podcars around the track, while explaining what the project is about. It seemed as though a significant number of people were still interested in the project and we conversed with many, throughout the day, about what Spartan Superway aims to be.
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